The Aioly-Boys team has managed to make a working backup of the original Bleem! Key-CD. Until now no-one managed this and it was thought it was just to hard to copy it.
The created backup has successfully been tested with Bleem! v1.2, v1.3b1 & v1.4
The original Key-CD has 2 DATA tracks (Track#1 & Track#7) and 32 AUDIO tracks. Only the second DATA track contains unreadable sectors. The trick is to extract all AUDIO tracks to WAV files and trying to read as much as possible from the DATA tracks. The unreadable parts can only be read by a few CD-Readers so that's why they can be downloaded here.
First the Track#1 must be extracted. Then parts of Track#7 must be extracted, these tracks are then merged into on file. CDRWIN is then used to generate the backup. |