Here is a list of all available Fixed versions of Bleem!
Some Anti-Virus software packages (like Norton AV) will detect a virus/trojan in some of these archives but this is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE! There was a Trojan version released in March/April '99 of one of the original Bleem! beta's. This was BEFORE the Bleem! v1.0 release. Because of this a virus may be detected by stupid Anti-Virus software which didn't update their code correctly! |
Bleem! 1.5b - INTEL - Zf/KGZ [22-12-1999] [989 kb] |
Bleem! 1.5b - AMD - Zf/KGZ [22-12-1999] [991 kb] |
This version works for the 1.5b INTEL/AMD release! |
Bleem! 1.5ba/1.5/1.4a Zf Fix [27-10-1999] [50 kb] |
Bleem! 1.5 Zf/Simonize [28-10-1999] [311 kb] |
Bleem! 1.5a CD-Key Dump [311 kb] - INTEL MMX VERSION |
This version works for the 1.5a, 1.5 & 1.4a release! |
Bleem! 1.4 Zf/Zeta Installer [13-08-1999] [1.5 Mb] |
Bleem! 1.4 Zf Fix [01-08-1999] [296 kb] |
Bleem! 1.4 Zf Fix Instructions [08-08-1999] [1 kb] |
This version is for the Intel MMX processor only! |
Bleem! 1.0 - 1.3b1 LXT Fix [21-07-1999] [813 kb] |
Laxity released this generic patch for Bleem! v1.0 - v1.3 b1. It works similar to their Generic SafeDisc Patch which is used to by-pass the SafeDisc protection in PC Games. |
Bleem! 1.2 Zf Fix [05-07-1999] [687 kb] |
This version is for the Intel MMX & AMD, K6/K6-2 processors! |
Bleem! 1.2b2 22245W HK Fix [28-06-1999] [536 kb] |
This version is for the AMD K6-2 processor. |
Bleem! 1.0 JB Fix - JBF [05-06-1999] [729 kb] |
This is an fixed update to the UCF2000 release from 18-05-1999 |
The JB version fixes AMD and Non-MMX problems and should run on 99% of all machines. |
Bleem! 1.0 PFF Fix - PFF [07-06-1999] [515 kb] |
This is an fixed update to the UCF2000 release from 18-05-1999 |
The PFF version removes another protective infinite loop & the .sara sections has been eliminated. A list of all changes is included in the archive. |
Bleem! 1.0 iND Fix - IND [19-05-1999] [514 kb] |
This is an fixed update to the UCF2000 release from 18-05-1999 |
The iND version should fix all AMD & NON-MMX related processor problems. It now should work on 90% of all computers. |
Bleem! 1.0 AMD Fix - Eclipse [19-05-1999] [577 kb] |
This is an fixed update to the UCF2000 release from 18-05-1999 |
The Eclipse version fixes the AMD processor problem. This patched version is for the AMD processor only! |
Bleem! 1.0 Fixed - Backlash [19-05-1999] [516 kb] |
This is an fixed update to the UCF2000 release from 18-05-1999 |
The Backlash version fixes some problems with the debug window popup and crashing. |
Bleem! 1.0 Executable - UCF2000 [18-05-1999] [567 kb] |
Only 3 days after the official Bleem! 1.0 release UCF2000 released the cracked executable done in only in night! |